Angels Whispers- Spirit and Life
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Post  Wingsofanangel Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:27 pm




Here we are again in the year’s shopping season! Those of us who celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah by giving each other gifts are stretching our budgets to see that our families and friends have something under the tree. The real gifts, however, are the time and effort that is put into the planning, shopping, wrapping, etc., etc. that goes into the final thrill of opening the mysterious packages. The gifts we give ourselves is the time we spend thinking about each individual, what they like, who they are, in order to find just the right present. It is this renewed connection that fuels the real spirit of the season.

We spent Thanksgiving with our Grandson’s family, who put on a very special feast in their small home. Had to attend in shifts, but it worked. I tripped on a step outside while taking some pictures and cracked a small bone in my left foot, hobbling around since then, but just about healed up now.

From my family to yours, we wish all of you a month of clear sailing through the stores,

lots of communications from old friends, and a peaceful and satisfying Christmas/Hanukkah celebration.


“MASTERS: Now for the forecasts: Unfortunately, we are seeing continued wind storms with tornadoes during the first part of December in the U.S. . They will be widely spread in unusual places as they have been in November. The jet stream will be waving up and down, bringing very cold temperatures over the mid west and eastern parts of the North American Continent for most of the month, easing off the last week or so. Canada will experience some of the coldest temperatures on record during this time. Ice will be more worrisome than snow. Earthquakes along the west coasts will continue to remain in the 4.0 range for the most part, reaching up into Alaska and the Aleutians, as the plates continue to shift. Expect more movement in the states surrounding the New Madrid Fault. This is slowly pulling apart the land and will someday be a huge rift.

Northern Europe will be experiencing much the same temperatures; Russia will be hit very hard with frigid air masses and wind storms. At least the cold will slow down the melting of the many glaciers that has been causing flooding in many parts of the world. The Mid-East will enjoy milder temperatures but earthquakes will disturb religious celebrations; possibility of one or more strong movements all along the Persian Gulf during the month. China’s struggles with belief systems and the rising economic picture is sending strong negative frequencies into the Earth and this is causing some unusual movements and formations in the ground to appear in the mountains. This is going to cause some further damage to the Great Wall. The rising amount of education in India is helping to form firmer underlying formations, giving rise to better understanding of the world they live in. Africa will, on the other hand, be experiencing higher temperatures than in past years, causing water shortages in many places. Tribal governments continue to fall into different hands as the tumult of past years has finally brought help from abroad to find intelligent leaders. Australia will be under the gun again as high temperatures fuel fires in many areas during the month. Unusual rain storms are very probable, however, giving some welcome relief to that danger. Indonesia is undergoing some of the most difficult situations, as rising sea levels continue to crowd island communities and constant earth movements make life difficult. New Zealand has not seen the last of the quakes and there is a heavy possibility of strong quakes all through this island kingdom.

The cholera outbreak in Haiti will get worse before the inflow of clean water to so many people makes a difference. This is a huge tragedy and many will still pass from this earth before it is over. Worries about flu outbreaks will hit the news soon and the pharmaceutical companies will, as usual, make a lot of money from flu shots. We do not see any really unusual flu varieties hitting the world this winter; just the ordinary flu that is easily controlled with common sense. Wherever you live, dress for the weather and think before you drive or walk.

The conflict between South and North Korea is a serious one and the world is responding in the best way they can. North Korea has long brain-washed its people to the point where they have great difficulty seeing any other way of experiencing their world. The young man who will be the leader very soon is behind this, trying to show his strength to beat down South Korea so he can rule that country also. Will there be a war that the U.S. has to take part in? That is the question on many minds now. We see this to fizzle out as the U.S. throws its weight into that area, helping its ally keep their boundaries safe and sound. The fizzling may take some time, though, while the North Korean armies strut and posture like children showing off. Yes, there will be some very dire consequences for the people of both countries before this is over. We do not see the U.S. getting into another war in this coming year, at least not at this point. Stay tuned.

All in all, December will be a cold and dangerous month to be out and around. Drive with care and focus on what you are doing. Storms, high winds, and snow will be the norm, of course, in the northern parts of the world. Again, we urge you to watch over those who need help, check on the elderly and house-bound. This is a month that can bring people together as they seek to help others, communicate with old friends or family far away, or bring greed and selfishness to a high peak as “things” become more important than people. Bring up the Love that is inside all of you and share it with all you meet – hugging is a powerful transfer of Love energy. Keep warm and enjoy the holiday season. We are there, enjoying it too.”



“In Christian countries of the world, the focus of world peace has always been during the month celebrating the birth of Jesus. Peace and love among all peoples were His most important messages. Today, the focus is constant as wars between races, religions and countries scar the Earth and the bodies of millions of people almost daily. Where is the Peace that the Angels promised?

It is with you now – it always has been. It was not peace between people and nations the message of the Angels relayed; the Angels told of the inner peace that connects to the Mind of God, which automatically generates “good will to men”. Consider that and see how very right it feels. The message was, and always has been, that humanity has that divine connection and it is only a matter of understanding and accepting that reality in order to be able to reach down deep within to access the Perfect Peace of God.

The message was not just for the followers-to-be of Jesus, but for the entire world. The words of the Angels were carefully preserved so that their meaning would eventually be understood by all humankind.

The word “peace”, as it is commonly used now, denotes the state of a lack of hostilities, in any form. When the world can live in such a state, able to raise children in a afe environment, grow food without unfair restrictions or mandated procedures, travel to any destination without hindrance, live and work with each other cheerfully, giving and sharing in joy, the world will experience the existence of real peace. Before any of this can happen, however, before the world can come into the promised new age of peace, every living being must come to accept the inner peace, the inner connection with all that is. How can a person who seethes with resentments live in peace with his/her brothers and sisters, giving and taking fairly and honestly? How can a person who lives with fear every day of his/her life, expecting a tragedy around every corner, relax and enjoy what life can really be? How can a person who must fill his/her ego with thoughts of supremacy work and live with those who are considered of no consequence because they look, think and worship differently that they do? Inner peace erases all such discrepancies.

How does one access this inner peace?

The heavy clouds of daily cares, appointments, schedules, car repairs, computer breakdowns, keeping the kids in line, problems in relationships, etc., etc., keep the mind in many different focuses at once, all trying to command the primary attention. Emotions that spring from the daily round of thoughts engulf the nervous system, the heart, muscles, and the digestive system. Constant television commercials publicize certain diseases, new drugs, or common ailments, blowing them up to encourage the mind to accept the premise that the listener must certainly need their high-priced drugs to ease their suffering. Millions of dollars are spent each day for drugs that are not needed and do tremendous damage to the bodies they are supposed to be helping. Listen to the very quiet and rapid recitation of side effects that go with the ads for these drugs. Listen carefully!

All of these things keep the mind and body in a state of tension that forbids the conscious mind to relax and set aside a few minutes every so often to tap into the inner peace. Indeed, how often do most people even think about communicating with their Creator through a few moments of prayer during their day? Would you believe that even a short “Hello” to the spiritual source of all things is welcomed as the acknowledgment of the reality? A few “Thank You’s” to your Angels for making things easier is very welcomed, too. If you cannot do this, accessing inner peace is impossible. You must know that it is there. You must know that it takes the determination on your part to put your mind into a state of stillness in order to find that peace. One does not have to sit in meditation for an hour to find it, although many people find this is the only way to train their minds to be still.

Inner Peace is not just a state of mind, but the very profound connection with universal energy and creative power. When that connection is made, even if only for a few minutes, it suddenly becomes apparent that all of the spiteful thoughts, all of the anger, all of the tangled messes of humankind, are simply of no9 real importance. The answers to problems become simplified; the blocks of memory or thought suddenly become clear again. You can see and understand the confusion behind all of the rhetoric of fear and annihilation that is produced by minds denied the clarity of inner peace.

Nations who have been killing each other over the acquisition of ancestral lands, trying to erase those who think, speak and worship differently than they, continue their thoughts of hate and retaliation. Revenge for the terrible wrongs that have been committed is creating more terrible wrongs. They will not see a peaceful world for themselves and their descendants for a long, long time. The enlightened few are struggling bravely to turn this kind of thinking around, but it will not be easy.

Where and when will it end? Worse yet is the infection of bias and bigotry that has been part of the human race for centuries.

When inner peace has been accessed, the realization of absolute unity with all humanity comes into view. One understands that the outer appearance is only a façade that the spiritual beings uses to experience a lifetime in matter. Yes, there are differences between spiritual beings too, for the Creator saw to it that each created being is an individual, with its own thoughts and goals. That is why human personalities differ so drastically. All of the experiences each being undergoes through the eternal stages of their lives, both in spirit and in matter, molds the spiritual personality just as much as the human personality, affecting the thoughts and goals of the incarnated spirit. It is the inner, peace, that connection with the Mind of God, that directs the being toward wisdom and knowledge of the highest order. It is the inner peace that fuels the recognition of each person you meet as a part of yourself in some way. All of the qualities and characteristics of humanity are mirrored in the people you associate with every day. This realization is a beautiful relief from all of the little petty attitudes and resentments that are carried in the heart and mind – they hold you down and keep you from the joy you really desire! You must realize you are no different from those you thought were either not as good as you, or so much better than you! All expressions of life are different as each individual reacts to them in different ways, echoing many eons of experiences. Inner Peace brings all of the Creator’s children together in simple, perfect Love.

Peace on Earth can be accomplished in your own home when both parents recognize the harmony and clarity that comes when peace is part of the thinking process, a part that remains close to the surface of the conscious mind, regardless of the many problems that surface each day. Disagreements can be quickly solved because of the clarity of mind that sees both sides of a question without the ego interfering. Negative outside influences can be explained to children from a universal, spiritual point of view instead of letting emotions run wild. Clarity of mind helps to avoid dangerous situations and/or to react without the mind turning to mush. The inner connection, when used constantly, eventually brings one to a point where lies or misconceptions of others are seen without effort. Commercials or other methods of mind control are no longer of any effect. Inner peace is a clarifier of thought and a kind, loving touch to the heart and the emotions. If humanity had never discovered this, your world would not have lasted this long!

Peace on Earth will become a reality, for this is the Plan of God.

When there is sorrow, physical traumas, or mental confusion, focusing on the inner peace is like burrowing into the soft arms of a compassionate mother. Humanity is slowly learning the real meaning of compassion, but here, in the Inner Peace, is the supreme healer of all mental and emotional distress. Resting in the Arms of God is within your ability, as you quiet your mind and sink into those loving arms that are always there to heal and comfort. You don’t have to ask someone else to send you there; those arms are not drifting around somewhere in outer space. Loving compassion is a built-in function of your spiritual being that is just a mind-step away. So many people agonize themselves into a state of depression or even mental illness simply because they either do not know of this inner healing space, or refuse to believe they are worthy enough to be accepted in such a place.

Please help others to realize what a wondrous piece of creation they really are; part spiritual being that has all the knowledge of the universe at its fingertips, and part human being who is trying to understand life at a physical level. It is the companionship between the two that brings a lifetime into real focus. Just as when two human beings bond together to live and help each other with al of life’s problems, so much more is the bond within that brings sudden knowledge, sudden words, sudden warnings that awaken the realization that one is so much more than just a piece of activated meat!

As this year comes to a close, it is apparent that the world is changing rapidly, bringing new experiences and new challenges never even thought of before. Finding your own Inner Peace wil bring the realization that it is humanity itself that will bring worldly peace to perfection. You, all of you who are seeking higher levels of knowledge and understanding of the workings of the physical universe and the inner universe of creative power, are the catalyst that will turn humankind’s concept of life and living completely around. As you live within the inner light and by the loving laws of the Creator, a new world will develop, just as planned. You are its creators! “

Finding my feet

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Post  Angelswhispers Thu Dec 02, 2010 3:52 pm

I have really enjoyed reading this post, it has inspired me and I have lots to think about.thank you for this.I hope you will share more interesting reads, already looking forward to it. Love and light angels whispers

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Age : 56
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Post  Wingsofanangel Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:30 pm

Your very welcome my love,i will put it here every month as i recieve it for all to enjoy.xx
Finding my feet

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Join date : 2010-11-13
Age : 70
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Post  Angelswhispers Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:04 pm

Sounds great thank you xx

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